Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why can't I lose weight when I walk three miles a day?

One of the biggest reasons people seek care at our office is weight loss. I frequently have patients ask me all the time why are the not losing weight when they walk 2 to 3 miles a day. This is always one of my favorite questions I get. I will in this case make a generalization. It is very rare that you see a thin group of ladies out for a walk or even seniors doing their morning walk at the mall. Although I commend them on having the right intentions to do something about their health but unfortunately they are wasting too much time with dismal results. What most people don't realize, once you get into a specific exercise routine your body soon adapts and you lose any real long lasting benefit. I also see this in the construction world. Construction workers by in large are more physically fit than the average person. But again after six months of doing the same thing over and over the body plateaus and they lose any real gains.

One of the keys to really shaking things up to where you lose pounds and inches is intensity. The higher the intensity, the better the results period! Increasing your intensity of exercise over a period of fifteen to twenty minutes will yield better health gains and a noticeable drop in pounds and inches than loafing for hours.

The other key is shocking your body with a change in routine. Instead of walking everyday, incorporate hiking, biking, rowing or weight resistance training. When you frequently change up your routine your body has to learn to accommodate the unfamiliar muscle motions and cardiac output. Constantly changing our workout allows our muscles, cardiovascular system and proproioceptors to make better, noticeable gains. Especially around our waste line.

If your really wanting to step up your intensity or your looking for a change in your workout routine, give CrossFit a go. Personally I have found no better way to increase muscle mass, lose inches and feel incredible without pills or potions than CrossFIt. Just to reiterate, there is no quick fix and there is no magic bullet. Optimal health and wellness is a way of life.

Love, Light & Laughter

Dr. Corey

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New to CrossFit? Take it slow at first.

Occasionally I hear from friends or patients that started doing CrossFit then quit because they were so sore they could not continue. I found this out for myself when I first started earlier this year. The muscle soreness was beyond anything I had ever experienced in a workout. Any time one engages in a new workout or exercise regime muscle soreness is a common theme due to lack of conditioning especially if one has not exercised in years. CrossFit is no different. However, muscle soreness is amplified with CrossFit due to the variety of exercises as well as the level of intensity that CrossFit commands.

Most CrossFit facilities recommend that you have at least four one on one sessions with the instructor before they feel you are ready to workout in the group settings. From personal experience as well as patient response, I found that future compliance and morale was much improved if they waited four days before their next individual session. Basically, give yourself a whole month to get the first four initial sessions out of the way. Then by that time your initial muscle soreness will be gone.

However, I must point out that as you continue with CrossFit, muscle soreness will continue to be a factor but, in a good way. The CrossFit muscle burn lets you know you are pushing your body in a positive, healthy, kick butt direction.


Dr. Corey

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Can't Do CrossFit, My Doctor Says I Have Arthritis

One of the most common issues I see in the office are patients that have been told by their physician that they have arthritis in their spine, usually in the form of osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease or degenerative disk disease and they are told by their physicians to refrain from activities such as CrossFit. I am going to let you in a little secret; Everyone over age forty typically has some form of arthritis-osteoathritis-degenerative disk disease-degenerative joint disease. Its usually nothing more than just the wear and tear of life. Often times many patients have arthritis and don't even know it because they are symptom free. It isn't until they go into an orthopedist or chiropractor have an x-ray then the physician gives them the so-called dreaded news of arthritis. I just want to emphasize I am not referring to the severe types of auto immune-inflammatory arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout. The problem with basic arthritis is patients typically don't know any better. They are usually ignorant on the topic of arthritis and put all of their faith and trust in their physician. Often times, their doctor is mis-informed on the subject and patients fall victim to the nocebo effect. The nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo. Their physician has planted a seed of arthritis and patients believe that their bodies are going to succumb to arthritis where their bodies fall apart and there going to end up in a wheelchair or possibly surgery. The fact is, most arthritis issues including osteoarthritis, deg. joint disease, and deg. disk disease can be treated effectively with acupuncture, chiropractic, diet modification, increasing your water intake and supplementing with omega 3's (fish oil). Several MRI studies have shown that many asymptomatic (No Symptoms) patients will demonstrate a positive result for disk herniation, spinal stenosis and degenerative disk and joint disease in as high as 35 to 60 percent depending on the study. And these patients go on to lead happy, healthy productive lives despite what the MRI tests reveal.

Bottom line, don't believe everything you are told. Even the experts are wrong from time to time. Our bodies crave motion and activity. You have heard the term; Use It Or Lose It. When we become inactive, we fall apart literally. When we stay active, we become stronger and healther. And I can't think of a better way to stay active and healthy than CrossFit.


Love, Light & Laughter

Corey Sondrup, D.C.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh! But CrossFit is Too Expensive!

CrossFit is so expensive! I hear this one all too often in my office and online. Does CrossFit cost more than a regular gym membership? It may appear that way at first. Most gym memberships average out to about $40.00 per month for an individual. CrossFit memberships run, depending what region of the country you live in can go anywhere from $99.00 to $150.00 per month for an individual. To the uneducated $40.00 a month is a no-brainer. However, when you consider that for every CrossFit workout you participate in, you get a certified CrossFit instructor-trainer-coach at every workout. Add to that, a group of highly motivated individuals there to motivate and cheer you on at each workout. Lets not forget the faster and better results with your health gains that two hours in a regular gym four to five days a week won't even come close to matching the results you will be achieving from doing CrossFit three times a week. Not only that, most CrossFit (WOD) workouts range from seven to twenty minutes per workout. How can you beat that?

Still not convinced? How about that daily $4.00 latte or energy drink; 4x30=$120.00 a month in drinks alone. Now factor in what the average person spends a month eating out; $200.00. Give that up and now you have an extra $320.00 per month that will be more than enough to pay for CrossFit.

Still not convinced? How about these numbers:

$44,820.00: Average cost for heart bypass surgery (American Heart Asso. 1995).
$$10,000: Average cost per year per person for treating complications related to diabetes. (WebMD. Healthnews)
$$1,500.00: Average cost more per year obese patients pay for health care (ABC News/Health)
$$147 Billion: Direct and Indirect costs America spends each year on obesity (CDC 2006).

So you still think CrossFit is too expensive? If you still do. Then maybe you're just not really serious about your overall health and wellness.

Love, Light & Laughter

Dr. Corey

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just Like Sugar: An all new, all natural sugar substitute

In the world of health and fitness, there has been a lot of confusion regarding sugar substitutes. Experts for years have recommended Nutrasweet(aspartame), sweet & low, and splenda(sucralose) because they had no calories and no effect on blood sugar levels. Over the last few years, scientists are finding out that these substitutes can have serious adverse health effects. NutraSweet causes symptoms that mimic multiple sclerosis, lupus and cause blindness and migraines. A new study just came out linking splenda to killing off the good bacteria in our guts, leading to candida overgrowth, immune dysfunction and gastrointestinal complications such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. As a physician, nutritionist, and student of CrossFit, I am always on the lookout for natural, healthy alternatives to artificial sweeteners.

My all time favorite natural sugar substitute even over stevia is Just Like Sugar. Just Like Sugar is all natural, no calories, no effect on blood sugar, no laxative effect, no aftertaste and you can cook and bake with it.
In a nutshell, Just Like Sugar is composed of chicory root, vitamin C, calcium and orange peel.
The chicory root is mostly composed of dietary fiber which is essential for overall gastrointestinal health.

Their website is JustLikeSugaInc.com Some of the Whole Foods and Wild Oats stores do carry it. If they don't, they can order it in for you.

Just Like Sugar is a wonderful addition to those that follow the Paleo or Atkins lifestyle or for anyone wanting to cut back or eliminate sugar from their diets.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to My My CrossFit Adventure.

May 13, 2011 marked my first day into the world of Crossfit. For the most part I have always been fairly active. However over the last two years I managed to focus more on my emotional and spiritual sides while neglecting my physical side. For the past 15 years I have been practicing chiropractic, nutrition, acupressure, homeopathy and energy healing in my two offices. I finally reached the point that if I was going to be an expert in the field of health and wellness I better start looking the part. Over the years I belonged to several gyms working out three to five times a week but it seemed that after I hit thirty, I did not get the desired results with weight and body shape that I had in my twenties. As a result of my slacking over the last two years, my weight reached 230 with a 38 inch waist. I had heard about Crossfit from a long time friend and a buddy of mine that was a fireman. I checked out some of the Crossfit and facebook pages on the web. I was amazed at the pictures of Crossfit participants and how incredible they all looked. For those of you new to Crossfit, Crossfit is specialized system of working out. Developed by gymnast, Greg Glassman, Crossfit incorporates 10 components of fitness: Cardiovascular Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Agility, Balance and Coordination. Crossfit is old school; bar bells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pull-up bars, no machines, no mirrors and no meat market. Most workouts last anywhere from 7 to 20 minutes and you are not only spent, but, you have gotten a complete cardio and weight workout. I decided to check out Crossfit Park City which happened to be a mile from my house. I did not realize it but Crossfit Park City is owned by Chris Spealler who unbeknownst to me is one of the pioneers in the sport. My long time friend Kim Averett, who is a certified Crossfit instructor in Logan, Utah said I was fortunate to have Chris as an instructor.

My wife and I showed up for our initial session. We were told that we would have to have four individual sessions with either Chris or Eric O'Conner before we could officially work out with the groups. I liked the idea that we had to demonstrate proficiency with lifting techniques before they turned us loose. We were put through a barrage of lifting techniques with a pvc pipe before we moved to the heavy stuff. Our first workout consisted of three rounds of push-ups, pull-ups, kettlbell swings and box jumps. Needless to say, after the first session which lasted about 7 to 10 minutes, we were totally spent and dripping wet with sweat. We scheduled our second session four days later, which was a good thing because it took us four days to recover from our soreness. After about three weeks we finished our four sessions with Chris and Eric and joined the group. After the first 2 weeks I had already lost an inch off my waist. I was impressed. I thought I was ready to break into the group work outs. Man was I wrong. The shape these athletes are in are unbelievable. I learned fast not to even try to compete with these physical specimen because I was just going to get left in the dust. Even after 3 months of doing Crossfit, I am still either last or next or next to last in finishing the work outs. Am I frustrated? Hell No! I am more motivated and excited as ever. Over the last 90 days, I have lost 15lbs. and I am in between a 34 and 36 inch waist. I look 10 years younger according to my wife and I feel absolutely amazing. My main focus is to improve my results with each work out instead of comparing my results with the other members. The wonderful thing about Crossfit is the constant encouragement I get from the other members as well as having Chris, Eric and Doug push us at the times when I need them the most. Crossfit has changed my life for the better and I am in better shape now than I was in my twenties and thirties, I am 42 now. My goal now is to fit into a 34inch waist by the end of summer and I am close. As far as my weight goes, who cares, muscle weighs more than fat and every day I am getting toner and tighter.

If you are serious about getting back in shape and taking back your health as well as your life, give Crossfit a look.