One of the most common issues I see in the office are patients that have been told by their physician that they have arthritis in their spine, usually in the form of osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease or degenerative disk disease and they are told by their
physicians to
refrain from activities such as
CrossFit. I am going to let you in a little secret; Everyone over age forty typically has some form of arthritis-
osteoathritis-degenerative disk disease-degenerative joint disease. Its usually nothing more than just the wear and tear of life. Often times many patients have arthritis and don't even know it because they are symptom free. It isn't until they go into an orthopedist or chiropractor have an x-ray then the
physician gives them the so-called dreaded news of arthritis. I just want to emphasize I am not referring to the severe types of auto immune-inflammatory
arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout. The problem with basic arthritis is patients typically don't know any better. They are usually ignorant on the topic of arthritis and put all of their faith and trust in their physician. Often times, their doctor is
mis-informed on the subject and patients fall victim to the
nocebo effect. The
nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo. Their
physician has planted a seed of arthritis and patients
believe that their bodies are going to
succumb to arthritis where their bodies fall apart and there going to end up in a wheelchair or possibly surgery. The fact is, most arthritis issues including osteoarthritis, deg. joint disease, and deg. disk disease can be treated effectively with
acupuncture, chiropractic, diet modification, increasing your water intake and supplementing with omega 3's (fish oil). Several MRI studies have shown that many asymptomatic (No Symptoms) patients will demonstrate a positive result for disk herniation, spinal
stenosis and
degenerative disk and joint disease in as high as 35 to 60 percent depending on the study. And these patients go on to lead happy, healthy productive lives despite what the MRI tests reveal.
Bottom line, don't believe everything you are told. Even the experts are wrong from time to time. Our bodies crave motion and activity. You have heard the term; Use It Or Lose It. When we become inactive, we fall apart literally. When we stay active, we become stronger and healther. And I can't think of a better way to stay active and healthy than CrossFit.
Love, Light & Laughter
Corey Sondrup, D.C.